Desk Research: Situation of the Citizens 50+ on the Labour Market and the Required Skills

The main objective of the research phase is to identify the situation of the citizens 50+ on the labour market and the required skills by employers. The target group of this research are those that are employed already but lack of certain skills, so they are in danger of losing their job and also unemployed people over 50 years old.  The desk-research will serve as a starting point for the development of the teacher’s book and training materials. For this, it is necessary to know the labour market situation for those over 50 years old; what competencies they have, what competences are demanded, and what risks are they facing. The desk research has been complemented with in-depth interviews with people from the target group of the project and relevant stakeholders. The results from the interviews have provided a deepen look into the findings from the desk research and fine-tune the teachers’ book.

The desk- research will cover the 7 countries participating on 4E project, named: Sweden, Greece, Hungary, Czech Republic, Spain, Italy and Lithuania.

In order to do so, the research phase will try to identify the following issues:

  1. State of labour market for people +50 in 7 countries.
  2. Prioritize the most needed skills and existing gaps.
  3. Possible solutions or best practices in supporting people +50. 

With this, we seek a coherence among the different modules that will make up the teacher’s book and the training materials, at the same time that we will collect a wide variety of input from different perspectives and countries, ensuring that the posterior contents embrace a comprehensive and a real European approach.

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